Cape Saint Blaize Oceanic Gin 750ml

Rich and woody this Oceanic Gin is infused with coastal lemon pelargonium sea asparagus milkwood berries cold brewed rooibos and the bittersweet salty sour fig. Delight in the lingering fruit flavours of caramelised onion and ripe redcurrant and enjoy it neat on ice or with a quality tonic curl of s ...Read more
R 769 each

  • Description

Rich and woody this Oceanic Gin is infused with coastal lemon pelargonium sea asparagus milkwood berries cold brewed rooibos and the bittersweet salty sour fig. Delight in the lingering fruit flavours of caramelised onion and ripe redcurrant and enjoy it neat on ice or with a quality tonic curl of salted orange zest and scattering of fresh berries.

Subject to availability

Brand URL : Cape Saint

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