Malfy Italian Gin Rosa Italian Gin 750ml

This premium gin gets its beautiful subtle colour from pink grapefruit peels and rhubarb sourced from Sicily with which it is naturally infused. Distilled by the Vergnano Family in Italy Malfy Gin captures the perfect gin moment that can be tasted in every sip: sitting on a sunny terrace enjoying th ...Read more
R 538 each

  • Description

This premium gin gets its beautiful subtle colour from pink grapefruit peels and rhubarb sourced from Sicily with which it is naturally infused. Distilled by the Vergnano Family in Italy Malfy Gin captures the perfect gin moment that can be tasted in every sip: sitting on a sunny terrace enjoying the view “Dolce far niente” — the sweet art of doing nothing.

Subject to availability

Brand URL : Malfy

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